Lina Karam
Professor, School of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
IEEE Fellow
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Signal Processing
Image, Video, and Usability (IVU) Lab
Director, Real-Time Embedded Signal Processing (RESP) Lab
Office: Goldwater Building, Room 430 (GWC 430)
School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-5706
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: (480) 965-3694
Fax: (480) 965-0493
Fall 2019 Office Hours: Tuesdays noon to 1:00pm and Thursdays 10:30am to 11:30a
Past Students
Dr. Jinjin Li | Locally Adaptive Stereo Vision Based 3D Visual Reconstruction | May 2017 | Affiliation: Amazon Research Labs |
Dr. Milind Gide | Subjective and Objective Evaluation of Visual Attention Models | December 2016 | Affiliation: Edge 3 Technologies |
Dr. Tong Zhu | Perceptual-Based Locally Adaptive Noise and Blur Detection | May 2016 | Affiliation: Apple |
Dr. Mahesh Subedar | Visual Quality with a Focus on 3D Blur Discrimination and Texture | December 2015 | Affiliation: Intel |
Dr. Qian Xu | Spatial and Multi-Temporal Visual Change Detection with Application to SAR Image Analysis | December 2014 |